Ashtanga Hridayam - Heart of Eight Limbs

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

2. Dina Charya - Daily Regimen

  1. Prathur uttana - Getting up in the morning:

  2. Best time to get up during the Brahma muhurtha ( 3 - 6 AM)in the morning
  3. Danta vardhana - Protection of teeth

  4. Anjana - Eye Salve

  5. Gandusha - Mouth goggle

  6. Naasya - Nasal drops

  7. Tambula - Betal chewing

  8. Abyanga - Oil massage/bath

  9. Vyayama - (Physical) Exercise

  10. Udvartana - (dry) Massage

  11. Snana - Bathing

  12. Sad vrata - Good conduct


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